Thursday 4 June 2009


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Ana selalu ziarah blog sahabat2...erm..terasa rendah diri... Alhamdulillah ana diberi kelebihan dalam menggunakan adobe photoshop...walaupun belum pro, tp setiap yang pro mestila melalui proses awal pembelajaran untuk jd pro... dah jadi pro pun masih lagi belajar untuk jadi lebih pro...hehe... Ikhwah yg ajar adobe photoshop pun (hari tu ada kelas belajar photoshop anjuran pembinaSAK) pun ambil masa untuk 7 tahun untuk dia menjadi seperti hari ni...anyway practice make perfect..hehe...walaupun begitu, bab penulisan ni, keras juga la otak...payah nak create idea sahabat2 sgt la berinfomatif...teringin menjadi seperti mereka..pendakwah pena....

Cakap pasal boikot...dah lama dah isu ni...hatta cuma ana je tak nak ambil tahu... tapi scr seriusnya bler filem FITNA yg memang fitnah pd Islam jadi isu. Huh..time tu bermujahadah sungguh tahan diri beli susu DUTCH LADY....huh...tapi tak beli tak de la mati...brgn Philip pun...Alhamdulillah emak dan family ana boleh terima dan sangat mengambil langkah boikot ni dgn sgt serius...lg tegas drp ana...

Mula-mula nak bg tau, takut kecik hati mak...MILO,NESPRAY..huhu...KOKOCRUNCH.. fuh...stok rumah ana tu..takut ana ni terlalu prevent...ini tak boleh, itu tak boleh... Alhamdulillah, mereka lebih teliti daripada ana.. satu cabaran...kalau gi shopping...memang mereka teliti habis...dari segi kandungan makanan-yela kan skrg byk yg ada lemak babi...

Apa yang ana nak kongsi adalah perihal adik... Ummi Kalthum..adik yg bongsu...darjah 5..11 tahun... Tahu la...budak-budak...HONEY STAR, KOKO KRUNCH, CORNFLAKES, KEK APOLLO....lebih ruji drp nasi... tapi nestle kan kne menyumbang ke arah dana ZIONIS!!!! umpama menyumbang sebutir peluru... McDONALD...kami memang jarang makan kat KFC? tapi sekarang ni, tak makan kat situ lg dh...

owh..perihal adik ana...nak ikut kan budak kecik mcm die mesti la nak apa yang die nak... Ana baru dapat tahu, betapa mujahadah nya dia bantu saudara2 kita kat Palestin dengan boikot... Abah cakap, kalau dulu pantang di offer koko krunch, tp skrg pandang pun tak nak... Alhamdulillah... Kalau gi shopping, sibuk betul die tgk brgn tu keluaran mana... kalau tersalah ambil, alahai...mula la siren berbunyi...

Pernah sekali ana terambil brgn JOHNSON&JOHNSON,membebel dia.." Ei..akak yg ckp kne boikot...die plak yg amek..."

Nak ceritanya...die lebih muda usia drp ana 8 tahun beza...
tp mujahadahnya lebih tinggi..tercabar jiwa ana dgn ketegasan dia... hatta umpama Saidina Umar yg terkejut dgn tindakan Abu Bakar yg diketahui lembut hatinya tetapi membuat keputusan dgn tegas memerangi golongan murtad dan yang enggan bayar zakat...

Byk lg kekurangan ana berbanding adik ana yang takde fikrah lg...yg tak tau dgn jelas agenda2 zionis pun...sanggup dan tak kisah pun dia tak dpt brgn2 yg diboikot yg dulu dia ana? kena byk muhasabah diri lg ni... sdgkan budak sekecil die mampu apatah lg kita yg dewasa ni?????

Dia la siren dalam rumah kami.. Kuat betul ingatannya...kalau lupa, nanti siren berbunyi...hehehe... ALHAMDULILLAH...

Tak perlulah senaraikan brgn yg diboikot..terlalu kata-kata Dr Tamimi ms Konvensyen Berakhirnya Agenda Zionis bahawa kita boikot brgn yg kita tahu menyumbang ke arah penindasan Islam tp kalau tak boleh terima sgt, boikot la dr segi kesihatan... contoh COCA COLA...boleh wat cuci tandas...kawan ana yg belajar kat Aussi yg gtau katanya lg, kte gunakanlah teknologi yg boleh membantu kita kembangkn dakwah Islam, contoh kita tak nak guna, mundur la the same time cari alternatif...

Kalau kita tak boikot...apa lagi yang kita mampu? berjihad perang? kita tak dilengkapi dgn skil-skil itu...hatta, dgn harta adalah yg paling kita mampu selain doa kpd Allah...
Janji Allah itu pasti... [as-saff:8]

Ada lebih kurang 80 ayat jihad...hampir semuanya Allah berfirman "berjihadlah dgn harta dan jiwamu"... berjihadlah dgn harta... maknanya... inilah jihad kita...mujahadah kita dalam menahan diri membeli brgn yg menyumbang dana kpd musuh2 Islam...Siapa kata boikot tidak membuahkan hasil? siapa kata orang Islam rugi kalau boikot produk mereka...SIAPA KATA??? Rezeki Allah di mana-mana...hatta, inilah masanya untuk kita bantu saudara2 kita dgn mengkomersialkan produk buatan org Islam...itulah alternatif kita...kalo kempunan nk mkn McD, Radix FC kn ada...tak de, goreng la ayam gne perencah kentucky adabi...rasa lebih kurang je...insyaALLAH...jika kita menahan diri skrg, yakinlah di syurga ALLAH nanti kita akan dapat merasa yg lebih hebat drp kenikmatan sementara duniawi ini...

Satu rahsia ekonomi yg ingin ana kongsi yg ana dpt melalu seorang insyaALLAH perintis pakar ekonomi Islam...

Apabila kita boikot sesuatu produk..of course la tak de pelanggan...sedangkan mereka ada target pengeluaran produk setiap hari yg akan dibeli....Kalau takde pelanggan, melambaklah produk tu...rotten la nanti produk tu...dan setiap hari mereka akan proses bahan mentah menjadi produk mengikut target...bila terjadi lambakan produk, terjadi la pembaziran dan kerugian kerana hanya ada flow out sdgkn tak de flow in duit...maka, terjadilah pelbagai promosi dgn harga durian runtuh dan sewaktu dgnnya yang cukup menggoda pelanggan2...maknanya, lebih hebat promosi sesuatu produk dgn harga yg membeliakkan mata, lebih hebat la kerugian mereka sebenarnya...

and who said BOYCOTTING could not HELP MUCH????? Below is the fatwa regarding BOYCOTTING....

Ulama's Fatwa on Boycotting Israeli an American products

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear brother in Islam, thank you for the great confidence you have in us. We hope our efforts meet your expectations.

Indeed, it has been proven beyond doubt that boycotting American and Israeli products is an effective weapon against those who usurped the land of the wronged and forcibly drove them out of the land of their ancestors for no reason.

Here below, we will try our best to furnish you with a comprehensive answer regarding boycotting the Israeli and American products.

Sheikh Al-Qaradawi’s Fatwa regarding the issue:

“When it comes to dealing with the People of the Book (i.e. the Jews and Christians), we should differentiate between two main points:

Muslims are not allowed to indulge in any form of dealings with the militant Jews who tend to wage war against Islam and Muslims with every tooth and nail. What do we expect from those who occupied our lands, violated the sanctity of the Sanctuaries, and continue their brutal profaning against all that which is Islamic in broad daylight?!

Referring to this, Allah Almighty says: “Allah forbiddeth you only those who warred against you on account of religion and have driven you out from your homes and helped to drive you out, that ye make friends of them. Whosoever maketh friends of them (All) such are wrong doers.” (Al-Mumtahanah: 9)

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have said: “Fight the Kuffar with your hands, with your money and with your tongues as well (i.e. denouncing their aggressions against Muslims)

The choice of peace is no longer practicable for us Muslims, regarding this issue, especially with many obstacles hindering its course. Hence, we have no any effective weapon but to boycott the US and Israeli products. That is why it is obligatory upon Muslims to boycott the Jews economically, culturally and politically.

In addition, boycott should be extended to encompass those warring factions from among the People of the Book such as the Serbs, Americans who attack Muslims, Hindus as well as those who relentlessly wage war against Islam or even support those who wage war against Muslims.

Coming to the second greater segment of the People of the Book (i.e. Christians) and others as we have stated above, we can say that if they are at swords drawn with Muslims, then all their products have to be boycotted.

However, if they are at peace with Muslims, then there is nothing wrong with exchanging imports and exports with them but under the condition that such form of trade be limited to that which is lawful only. Allah Almighty says: “Allah forbiddeth you not those who warred not against you on account of religion and drove you not out from your homes, that ye should show them kindness and deal justly with them. Lo ! Allah loveth the just dealers.” (Al-Mumtahanah: 8)

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have dealt in trade with the Kuffar who signed peaceful treaties with him.”

Focusing more on enhancing the economy of Muslim Ummah, the late Azharite scholar and the head of the Sunni Egyptian Institutions in Egypt, Dr. Fu`ad Mukhaymar, may Allah shower mercy on his soul, states the following:

“No doubt that the brilliant and innovative minds of Muslims will never stop pulsating and inventing that which is new and beneficial.

The weakness that has crept deep in the body of Muslim Ummah does not justify our backwardness. Rather, every committed Muslim ought to spare no pains performing any job he is entrusted with perfectly in order to help push forward the economic progress.

Muslims should pay attention to the carefully-studied plans implemented nowadays by industrial countries who shower Muslim countries with the necessary tools for manufacturing cars, for examples, as well as other equipment in various branches.

With this crafty scheme, they amass the money of Muslims, which is smoothly transferred into their countries and make their economy thrive at the expense of the economy in Muslim countries. The issue finally culminates in major economical, social and military dilemmas that become difficult to solve.

That is why I call upon every Muslim and Muslimah to pay attention to such a vicious scheme. They should encourage national industries and be eager to consume nationally manufactured products. With this, all our economic problems will come to a halt, Islamic economy will thrive once again, and living standards will increase in Muslim countries.

We can not ignore the fact that our current war is not only restricted to military actions but it includes economical aspects as well. Economy is the life-blood of modern life. Without strong and powerful economy, diseases will be rampant and poverty will spread more and more. It is incumbent upon us all to be aware of those schemes and co-operate with one another for the betterment of our future.

Also, it the duty of Muslim governments to create job opportunities for people who used to work in the factories supervised by non-Muslims in Muslim’s homelands. We cannot ignore that those casual labors will be less paid, if this later alternative is taken into consideration, but the issue will be easy for them to accept if they consider it a form of Jihad that is exerted for the sake of their religion and homelands."

Dr. As-Sayed Nuh, the prominent Azharite scholar, and professor of Hadith in Kuwait University, concludes:

“We should differentiate between what we call Daruriyyat or necessary needs, and Tahsiniyyat or luxuries.

If the products that Muslims tend to buy are from the second category (i.e. they are Tahsiniyyat), then it is better to forgo them irrespective of whether those products are American, European or even national products.

However, if some Muslims find themselves weak and have strong desires to buy goods belonging to Tahsiniyyat category, then they should not buy from those who support the Jews and Zionists who occupy Palestine and kill the innocents, demolish houses, plunder money, violate the honor of people and profane the sanctity of sacred places in an attempt to bring the progress of the Muslim Ummah to a virtual standstill. It is well known that America plays the greater role in supporting those Jews and Zionists.

Here, I can conclude that it is prohibited to buy the products manufactured by the Jews and Zionists as well as those who directly back them.

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have said: “He who helps the enemy to kill his (fellow) Muslim brother with half a word (i.e. with the least form of support), will be brought before Allah on the Day of Resurrection with this phrase written between his eyes: “(He) has no space in Allah’s (encompassing) Mercy.”

Finally, we should not underestimate the impact of economic boycott on the enemy. Some of us may think that the little goods boycotted may not affect the enemy’s strong economy.

Our basic principle is not to lend any form of support to those who help kill Muslims. It’s worthy mentioning here that Egypt, for example, has played a greater role in boycotting the products of the enemy to the extent that the institutions boycotted were forced to shut its branches in Egypt and left the country without return.”

If you have any further comments, please don’t hesitate to write back!

May Allah guide you to the straight path, and guide you to that which pleases Him, Amen.



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Thursday 4 June 2009


Posted by Nahl at 07:43

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Ana selalu ziarah blog sahabat2...erm..terasa rendah diri... Alhamdulillah ana diberi kelebihan dalam menggunakan adobe photoshop...walaupun belum pro, tp setiap yang pro mestila melalui proses awal pembelajaran untuk jd pro... dah jadi pro pun masih lagi belajar untuk jadi lebih pro...hehe... Ikhwah yg ajar adobe photoshop pun (hari tu ada kelas belajar photoshop anjuran pembinaSAK) pun ambil masa untuk 7 tahun untuk dia menjadi seperti hari ni...anyway practice make perfect..hehe...walaupun begitu, bab penulisan ni, keras juga la otak...payah nak create idea sahabat2 sgt la berinfomatif...teringin menjadi seperti mereka..pendakwah pena....

Cakap pasal boikot...dah lama dah isu ni...hatta cuma ana je tak nak ambil tahu... tapi scr seriusnya bler filem FITNA yg memang fitnah pd Islam jadi isu. Huh..time tu bermujahadah sungguh tahan diri beli susu DUTCH LADY....huh...tapi tak beli tak de la mati...brgn Philip pun...Alhamdulillah emak dan family ana boleh terima dan sangat mengambil langkah boikot ni dgn sgt serius...lg tegas drp ana...

Mula-mula nak bg tau, takut kecik hati mak...MILO,NESPRAY..huhu...KOKOCRUNCH.. fuh...stok rumah ana tu..takut ana ni terlalu prevent...ini tak boleh, itu tak boleh... Alhamdulillah, mereka lebih teliti daripada ana.. satu cabaran...kalau gi shopping...memang mereka teliti habis...dari segi kandungan makanan-yela kan skrg byk yg ada lemak babi...

Apa yang ana nak kongsi adalah perihal adik... Ummi Kalthum..adik yg bongsu...darjah 5..11 tahun... Tahu la...budak-budak...HONEY STAR, KOKO KRUNCH, CORNFLAKES, KEK APOLLO....lebih ruji drp nasi... tapi nestle kan kne menyumbang ke arah dana ZIONIS!!!! umpama menyumbang sebutir peluru... McDONALD...kami memang jarang makan kat KFC? tapi sekarang ni, tak makan kat situ lg dh...

owh..perihal adik ana...nak ikut kan budak kecik mcm die mesti la nak apa yang die nak... Ana baru dapat tahu, betapa mujahadah nya dia bantu saudara2 kita kat Palestin dengan boikot... Abah cakap, kalau dulu pantang di offer koko krunch, tp skrg pandang pun tak nak... Alhamdulillah... Kalau gi shopping, sibuk betul die tgk brgn tu keluaran mana... kalau tersalah ambil, alahai...mula la siren berbunyi...

Pernah sekali ana terambil brgn JOHNSON&JOHNSON,membebel dia.." Ei..akak yg ckp kne boikot...die plak yg amek..."

Nak ceritanya...die lebih muda usia drp ana 8 tahun beza...
tp mujahadahnya lebih tinggi..tercabar jiwa ana dgn ketegasan dia... hatta umpama Saidina Umar yg terkejut dgn tindakan Abu Bakar yg diketahui lembut hatinya tetapi membuat keputusan dgn tegas memerangi golongan murtad dan yang enggan bayar zakat...

Byk lg kekurangan ana berbanding adik ana yang takde fikrah lg...yg tak tau dgn jelas agenda2 zionis pun...sanggup dan tak kisah pun dia tak dpt brgn2 yg diboikot yg dulu dia ana? kena byk muhasabah diri lg ni... sdgkan budak sekecil die mampu apatah lg kita yg dewasa ni?????

Dia la siren dalam rumah kami.. Kuat betul ingatannya...kalau lupa, nanti siren berbunyi...hehehe... ALHAMDULILLAH...

Tak perlulah senaraikan brgn yg diboikot..terlalu kata-kata Dr Tamimi ms Konvensyen Berakhirnya Agenda Zionis bahawa kita boikot brgn yg kita tahu menyumbang ke arah penindasan Islam tp kalau tak boleh terima sgt, boikot la dr segi kesihatan... contoh COCA COLA...boleh wat cuci tandas...kawan ana yg belajar kat Aussi yg gtau katanya lg, kte gunakanlah teknologi yg boleh membantu kita kembangkn dakwah Islam, contoh kita tak nak guna, mundur la the same time cari alternatif...

Kalau kita tak boikot...apa lagi yang kita mampu? berjihad perang? kita tak dilengkapi dgn skil-skil itu...hatta, dgn harta adalah yg paling kita mampu selain doa kpd Allah...
Janji Allah itu pasti... [as-saff:8]

Ada lebih kurang 80 ayat jihad...hampir semuanya Allah berfirman "berjihadlah dgn harta dan jiwamu"... berjihadlah dgn harta... maknanya... inilah jihad kita...mujahadah kita dalam menahan diri membeli brgn yg menyumbang dana kpd musuh2 Islam...Siapa kata boikot tidak membuahkan hasil? siapa kata orang Islam rugi kalau boikot produk mereka...SIAPA KATA??? Rezeki Allah di mana-mana...hatta, inilah masanya untuk kita bantu saudara2 kita dgn mengkomersialkan produk buatan org Islam...itulah alternatif kita...kalo kempunan nk mkn McD, Radix FC kn ada...tak de, goreng la ayam gne perencah kentucky adabi...rasa lebih kurang je...insyaALLAH...jika kita menahan diri skrg, yakinlah di syurga ALLAH nanti kita akan dapat merasa yg lebih hebat drp kenikmatan sementara duniawi ini...

Satu rahsia ekonomi yg ingin ana kongsi yg ana dpt melalu seorang insyaALLAH perintis pakar ekonomi Islam...

Apabila kita boikot sesuatu produk..of course la tak de pelanggan...sedangkan mereka ada target pengeluaran produk setiap hari yg akan dibeli....Kalau takde pelanggan, melambaklah produk tu...rotten la nanti produk tu...dan setiap hari mereka akan proses bahan mentah menjadi produk mengikut target...bila terjadi lambakan produk, terjadi la pembaziran dan kerugian kerana hanya ada flow out sdgkn tak de flow in duit...maka, terjadilah pelbagai promosi dgn harga durian runtuh dan sewaktu dgnnya yang cukup menggoda pelanggan2...maknanya, lebih hebat promosi sesuatu produk dgn harga yg membeliakkan mata, lebih hebat la kerugian mereka sebenarnya...

and who said BOYCOTTING could not HELP MUCH????? Below is the fatwa regarding BOYCOTTING....

Ulama's Fatwa on Boycotting Israeli an American products

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear brother in Islam, thank you for the great confidence you have in us. We hope our efforts meet your expectations.

Indeed, it has been proven beyond doubt that boycotting American and Israeli products is an effective weapon against those who usurped the land of the wronged and forcibly drove them out of the land of their ancestors for no reason.

Here below, we will try our best to furnish you with a comprehensive answer regarding boycotting the Israeli and American products.

Sheikh Al-Qaradawi’s Fatwa regarding the issue:

“When it comes to dealing with the People of the Book (i.e. the Jews and Christians), we should differentiate between two main points:

Muslims are not allowed to indulge in any form of dealings with the militant Jews who tend to wage war against Islam and Muslims with every tooth and nail. What do we expect from those who occupied our lands, violated the sanctity of the Sanctuaries, and continue their brutal profaning against all that which is Islamic in broad daylight?!

Referring to this, Allah Almighty says: “Allah forbiddeth you only those who warred against you on account of religion and have driven you out from your homes and helped to drive you out, that ye make friends of them. Whosoever maketh friends of them (All) such are wrong doers.” (Al-Mumtahanah: 9)

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have said: “Fight the Kuffar with your hands, with your money and with your tongues as well (i.e. denouncing their aggressions against Muslims)

The choice of peace is no longer practicable for us Muslims, regarding this issue, especially with many obstacles hindering its course. Hence, we have no any effective weapon but to boycott the US and Israeli products. That is why it is obligatory upon Muslims to boycott the Jews economically, culturally and politically.

In addition, boycott should be extended to encompass those warring factions from among the People of the Book such as the Serbs, Americans who attack Muslims, Hindus as well as those who relentlessly wage war against Islam or even support those who wage war against Muslims.

Coming to the second greater segment of the People of the Book (i.e. Christians) and others as we have stated above, we can say that if they are at swords drawn with Muslims, then all their products have to be boycotted.

However, if they are at peace with Muslims, then there is nothing wrong with exchanging imports and exports with them but under the condition that such form of trade be limited to that which is lawful only. Allah Almighty says: “Allah forbiddeth you not those who warred not against you on account of religion and drove you not out from your homes, that ye should show them kindness and deal justly with them. Lo ! Allah loveth the just dealers.” (Al-Mumtahanah: 8)

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have dealt in trade with the Kuffar who signed peaceful treaties with him.”

Focusing more on enhancing the economy of Muslim Ummah, the late Azharite scholar and the head of the Sunni Egyptian Institutions in Egypt, Dr. Fu`ad Mukhaymar, may Allah shower mercy on his soul, states the following:

“No doubt that the brilliant and innovative minds of Muslims will never stop pulsating and inventing that which is new and beneficial.

The weakness that has crept deep in the body of Muslim Ummah does not justify our backwardness. Rather, every committed Muslim ought to spare no pains performing any job he is entrusted with perfectly in order to help push forward the economic progress.

Muslims should pay attention to the carefully-studied plans implemented nowadays by industrial countries who shower Muslim countries with the necessary tools for manufacturing cars, for examples, as well as other equipment in various branches.

With this crafty scheme, they amass the money of Muslims, which is smoothly transferred into their countries and make their economy thrive at the expense of the economy in Muslim countries. The issue finally culminates in major economical, social and military dilemmas that become difficult to solve.

That is why I call upon every Muslim and Muslimah to pay attention to such a vicious scheme. They should encourage national industries and be eager to consume nationally manufactured products. With this, all our economic problems will come to a halt, Islamic economy will thrive once again, and living standards will increase in Muslim countries.

We can not ignore the fact that our current war is not only restricted to military actions but it includes economical aspects as well. Economy is the life-blood of modern life. Without strong and powerful economy, diseases will be rampant and poverty will spread more and more. It is incumbent upon us all to be aware of those schemes and co-operate with one another for the betterment of our future.

Also, it the duty of Muslim governments to create job opportunities for people who used to work in the factories supervised by non-Muslims in Muslim’s homelands. We cannot ignore that those casual labors will be less paid, if this later alternative is taken into consideration, but the issue will be easy for them to accept if they consider it a form of Jihad that is exerted for the sake of their religion and homelands."

Dr. As-Sayed Nuh, the prominent Azharite scholar, and professor of Hadith in Kuwait University, concludes:

“We should differentiate between what we call Daruriyyat or necessary needs, and Tahsiniyyat or luxuries.

If the products that Muslims tend to buy are from the second category (i.e. they are Tahsiniyyat), then it is better to forgo them irrespective of whether those products are American, European or even national products.

However, if some Muslims find themselves weak and have strong desires to buy goods belonging to Tahsiniyyat category, then they should not buy from those who support the Jews and Zionists who occupy Palestine and kill the innocents, demolish houses, plunder money, violate the honor of people and profane the sanctity of sacred places in an attempt to bring the progress of the Muslim Ummah to a virtual standstill. It is well known that America plays the greater role in supporting those Jews and Zionists.

Here, I can conclude that it is prohibited to buy the products manufactured by the Jews and Zionists as well as those who directly back them.

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have said: “He who helps the enemy to kill his (fellow) Muslim brother with half a word (i.e. with the least form of support), will be brought before Allah on the Day of Resurrection with this phrase written between his eyes: “(He) has no space in Allah’s (encompassing) Mercy.”

Finally, we should not underestimate the impact of economic boycott on the enemy. Some of us may think that the little goods boycotted may not affect the enemy’s strong economy.

Our basic principle is not to lend any form of support to those who help kill Muslims. It’s worthy mentioning here that Egypt, for example, has played a greater role in boycotting the products of the enemy to the extent that the institutions boycotted were forced to shut its branches in Egypt and left the country without return.”

If you have any further comments, please don’t hesitate to write back!

May Allah guide you to the straight path, and guide you to that which pleases Him, Amen.


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